News From Özgür Ünüvar Bakiler

Our Counsel Dr. Güneş Ünüvar Has Recently Published Two Articles
Our Counsel Dr. Güneş Ünüvar has recently authored two articles on (i) the use of expert evidence in investment arbitration and (ii) and the impact of the Court of Justice of the European Union’s (CJEU) Opinion 1/17 on the “right to an independent tribunal”.
The first article, published for the Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law, concerns the guiding principles of the appointment of experts in investment treaty arbitration by disputing parties, as well as tribunals. It scrutinizes the use of expert evidence, its normative and practical importance, and how arbitral tribunals evaluate and interpret expert opinions during arbitral proceedings.
The second article, published on the European Papers, focuses on the Opinion 1/17 rendered by the CJEU in 2018 on the compatibility of the “Investment Court System” included in the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the EU. While the Opinion chiefly addressed questions concerning the autonomy of the EU legal order, the contribution approaches the controversial Opinion from a previously unexplored aspect, namely, its implications for the right to an independent tribunal.