FDI Update reports on recent legislation, international arbitration cases and enforcement decisions. It also brings news and insights from Turkey, the Middle East, Africa and CIS to guide investors that target foreing markets for expansion.


Turkey's Bilateral Investment Treaties: Developments from 2020 to 2022

In February 2022, Turkish Grand National Assembly ratified bilateral investment treaty signed with the Republic of Belarus.  It is the first BIT Turkey ratified in almost a year, following the BIT with Georgia, which was signed in 2016 and entered into force in June 2021. In 2020, 6 Turkish BITs entered into force with China, Uzbekistan, Djibouti, Zambia, Kyrgyzstan, and Montenegro.


This post briefly compares some of the key features of these BITs in order to pinpoint some key differences and similarities.


Liability Regarding Sales on Online Market Places: Çiçeksepeti Case

Thoughts on the recent decision of the Turkish Supreme Court of Appeals on a consumer dispute involving Çiçeksepeti, an online marketplace that delivers flowers, desserts and gifts especially for special occasions.


Legislative Overview of the Turkish Energy Market: Developments in 2021

There have been some significant developments in the Turkish energy regulation in 2021. In our first newsletter of the new year, we provide a brief summary of these regulations and amendments.


New Feed-in Tariff Rates for Renewable Energy Generation Facilities Have Been Announced

President’s Decision on the new FiT rates and terms that will be applied to renewable energy-based generation facilities commissioned after June 2021 has been published.


Law No. 7257 Amending the Energy Market Legislation Has Been Published

The Law Amending the Electricity Market Law and Other Laws numbered 7257 (“the Law”) has been published and has entered into force on 2 December 2020.


New ICC Arbitration Rules enter into force on 1 January 2021

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) unveiled its updated and improved set of draft arbitration rules in November 2020. The draft is now expected to enter into force on 1 January 2021.


RERAs in the Turkish Renewable Energy Industry: An Introduction to Regulatory Requirements

Turkey has started to implement a new energy investment model called RERA in 2016, aiming to promote renewable energy investments and use of local manufacturing and technology.


The ICC has published its Guidance Note on Possible Measures Aimed at Mitigating the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The outbreak of COVID-19 has resulted in far-reaching consequences both socially and economically. Safety concerns and public health restrictions, aimed at curbing the spread of the pandemic, have disrupted legal proceedings worldwide..


Feed-in Tariff Schemes in the Renewables Industry (II): Legitimate Expectations and Damages Considerations in the Spanish cases

In the first of the series of articles on Feed-in Tariff (FIT) disputes in the EU, we discussed in October 2019 the development of FIT policies in Spain, Czech Republic and Italy.


Feed-in Tariff Schemes in the Renewables Industry (I): Investment Arbitration Cases Concluded in 2019

Feed-in Tariffs (“FITs”) have become a controversial state policy over the past two decades in Europe, resulting in a significant number of investment arbitration cases against Spain, Italy and the Czech Republic.


Latest Modifications in the Electricity Market Licensing Regulation

Turkey has started to implement a new energy investment model called RERA in 2016, aiming to promote renewable energy investments and use of local manufacturing and technology. Together with other support and incentive mechanisms as well as higher feed-in tariffs in place.


Reforming Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Reflections on the UNCITRAL Working Group III and Beyond

International investment law (IIL) is at a crossroads. An obscure legal domain virtually unknown for most of its hitherto existence, it came to prominence only after the surge of investor-State disputes filed by foreign investments against their host states from the late 1990s onwards.

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