Information and Disclosure Text on the Processing and Protection of Personal Data

Identity of the Data Controller and Data Subject Groups

As Özgür Ünüvar Bakiler Attorney Partnership (registered with Ankara Bar Association under registration number 37 as ‘Özgür Bakiler Attorney Partnership’) (“OUB”), in order to ensure compliance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data numbered 6698 (“Law”) and related regulations, we hereby present the following information within the scope of our disclosure obligation regarding the personal data we have obtained pertaining to all our clients who benefit from our legal services, suppliers and their employees, interns, managers, and shareholders, visitors to our office, and employee and intern candidates who send their resumes to work with OUB:


Processed Personal Data and Processing Methods

When our real person clients or real person representatives and employees of legal entity clients for legal consultancy services from OUB or for representation before courts or other alternative dispute resolution authorities (including our potential clients), depending on the method of reaching OUB, such request can be processed electronically (via website portal or email) or physically (letter of intent, contract, etc.). Identity and contact data and some financial data belonging to the employees, interns, directors, and shareholders of our real person suppliers and legal entity suppliers who have a commercial relationship with OUB, are processed in electronic and physical environments. All kinds of identity, contact, employment records, professional experience, education data, and data on areas of interest contained in the content of applications and resumes sent to OUB by employee candidates on their own initiative are stored electronically for the purpose of evaluation in recruitment processes and for this purpose only. 


These data are processed in accordance with the procedures and principles set out in Article 4 of the Personal Data Protection Law and within the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6.


Among your personal data that may be processed, the following are included;

  • Identity Information (Name, surname, date of birth, place of birth, Turkish Identification Number, gender, parents’ name, etc.)
  • Contact Information (Address, e-mail and phone number etc.)
  • Employment Records (CV, employment entry and exit documents, disciplinary investigation information)
  • Professional Experience Information (Diploma information, courses attended, in-service training information, certificates, transcript information, areas of interest)
  • Finance Information (Bank account number, IBAN, credit card number, etc.)
  • Customer Transaction Information (Information on the nature of the requested service, date of performance, payment method and price)
  • Legal Action Information (File number, court name, etc.)
  • Process Security Information (Internet logs, traffic data such as IP, MAC, domain names and mail addresses)
  • Physical Space Security Information (Camera footage, vehicle license plates in case of using the parking lot)
Legal Reasons and Purposes of Data Processing

Pursuant to Article 5 Paragraph 2 of the Personal Data Protection Law, the relevant personal data is processed based on the legal reasons such as being directly related to the establishment and performance of the contract, being explicitly stipulated in the laws, being necessary to fulfill our legal obligations; being mandatory for the establishment, use or protection of a right, and being mandatory for our legitimate interests. The legal reasons for data processing according to data categories are as follows: 


Personal data regarding identity, contact, finance, employment, professional experience, customer transaction and supplier transaction data that are processed within the scope of OUB’s ordinary legal activities, conducting professional correspondence, drafting and managing contracts such as contracts for legal services, purchase of goods or services etc., execution of accounting and finance transactions, keeping personnel files and risk management processes are all processed on the legal reasons such as “being explicitly stipulated in the laws”, “being directly related to the establishment and performance of the contract” and “being necessary for us to fulfill our legal obligations”.


Transaction security data obtained in the processes of keeping internet records and visitor records are processed on the grounds such as “being explicitly stipulated in the laws” and “being mandatory for our legitimate interests”. Physical security data obtained by OUB are also processed based on the legal reason of “being mandatory for OUB’s legitimate interests”.


All kinds of personal data and special categories of personal data, including all kinds of identity, contact information, employment records, professional experience contained in the resumes and application documents sent to us by employee and internship candidates are processed within the scope of personnel selection and placement processes based on the legal grounds of “being directly related to the establishment and performance of the contract” and “being mandatory for our legitimate interests”.


Such personal data may be collected from written and verbal information (clearly stated to be recorded) transmitted by you to OUB, official institutions and organizations, applications and software used within the scope of Company activities and closed-circuit camera systems. Only transaction security data is obtained through applications and software, and only physical space security data is obtained through camera systems. All other data categories are obtained from physical and electronic documents and correspondences that you transmit to us as the data owner. Data obtained in any and all data categories can be processed both automatically and non-automatically.


Our data processing purposes include the sustainability of business relationships, management of contracts and operational processes, establishment of contracts, commercial communication and fulfillment of OUB’s financial and legal obligations, conduct of relevant legal transactions, provision of services and performance of contracts, management of our accounting records and collection processes, analysis and improvement of our services and determining customer satisfaction, fulfilling our legal obligations, conducting audit activities, ensuring business continuity, conducting risk management processes, conducting strategic planning activities, ensuring the physical and cyber security of our workplaces and fulfilling OUB’s legal obligations. 


Cookie Disclosure

OUB processes personal data and uses internet cookies through the “” website. The data of visitors to our website is processed through necessary cookies, functional cookies (depending on user preferences), analytical and performance cookies, and for the purposes of ensuring the flawless and fast operation of OUB’s website and establishing cybersecurity. All cookies on our website are “first-party” cookies.


Among the cookies used are:

  • Necessary Cookies (Cookies required to enable the basic features of this site, such as providing secure log-in or adjusting your consent preferences)
  • Functional Cookies (Cookies used to remember the preferences that visitors make within the site. For example, when you change the language of the website, these cookies ensure that your preference remains valid throughout the session)
  • Analytical/Performance Cookies (Cookies used to understand how visitors interact with the website, providing information on metrics such as visitor count, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.)

The legal reasons for the processing of your personal data through cookies is the necessity of data processing for the legitimate interests of the data controller, as per Article 5(2) of the Personal Data Protection Law, for all three categories of cookies.

You can change your cookie preferences through the “Cookie Settings Panel.”


The Storage Periods of Processed Data

The storage periods of processed data are determined within the framework of the OUB Data Processing and Destruction Policy. To find out if your data is being stored and the remaining storage period, you can apply as described under the “Your Rights Regarding the Protection of Personal Data” section below.


Transfer of Processed Personal Data and Purposes

Your collected personal data may be transferred, in addition to the purposes stated in Article 2 of this Information Notice, for the performance of OUB’s contractual obligations, fulfillment of legal obligations, establishment or protection of legal rights, to other official institutions and organizations, independent audit firms, courts, mediators, arbitration boards and committees, OUB’s financial and customs advisors, and other consultants, as well as to public and private banks and companies providing information technology services within the country, in accordance with the principles of proportionality and purposefulness stipulated in the Law.

Your Rights Regarding the Protection of Personal Data

Within the framework of personal data protection legislation, you have the following rights regarding your personal data:

  • To learn whether your personal data is being processed, and if so, to request information about it.
  • To learn the purpose of processing and whether your data is being used accordingly.
  • To learn the third parties to whom your data has been transferred, whether domestically or internationally.
  • To request correction of your data if it is incomplete or incorrect, and to have the correction communicated to third parties if your data has been transferred.
  • To request the deletion or destruction of your data if the processing conditions are no longer valid, and to have this communicated to third parties if your data has been transferred.
  • To object if you believe an adverse outcome has arisen against you as a result of the data being analyzed solely through automated systems. 
  • To request compensation for the damages occurred due to unlawful processing.

You can make applications regarding your personal data under the Law through the following channels:

  • You can deliver your physical documents in person to our address: Güneş Sokak No: 13/6, Güvenevler, Ankara, Turkey, or send them via a notary with documents verifying your identity.
  • You can also submit your application using your registered email address at OUB to the email address,  using secure electronic signature.

According to the Notification on the Principles and Procedures of Applying to the Data Controller, your application must be in Turkish and must include the following details:

  1. Name, surname and signature if the application is in writing,
  2. Turkish Identification Number for Turkish citizens; and nationality, passport number, or if available, identity number for foreigners,
  3. Residential or workplace address for notification,
  4. If available, the email address, telephone, and fax number for communication,
  5. Subject of the request, and the relevant information and documents must be attached to the application.

In accordance with Article 13 of the Law, OUB will conclude your application within 30 (thirty) days at the latest. If the process requires a cost, the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board will be applied. If the request is rejected, the reasons for rejection will be provided in writing or electronically.


Thank you for your attention.

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