Legal Disclaimer and Terms of Use

Our Website

Information on our website is displayed solely for the purposes of carrying our legal services online, briefing our clients and to publish our professional articles and academic research, as stipulated by the Attorneys’ Law No. 1136 and the Turkish Union of Bar Assocations’ Regulation on the Prohibition of Advertisement. An attorney – client relationship is not established by you logging on to our website and perusing its contents, our publications and our research.


Information on our website may be outdated or may not display the most recent legal developments due to changes in legislation or applicable Court decisions. Our attorney partnership or our attorneys do not have a duty of care towards any third party over any of the content located on our website. Our attorney partnership cannot therefore be held liable or at fault for any omissions in said content, or for any third party acting in reliance of said content.


Articles and research on our website, prepared for information purposes only, only reflect the personal thoughts and evaluations of our attorneys as of the date of their publication.  The application of legal rules may change, in part or in full, due to their interpretations by executive and judicial bodies, as well as by the set of facts that are exclusive to each case. Therefore, our attorneys’ conclusions over the various articles and publications on our website might also be subject to change and reevaluation.


Intellectual property rights for all information, files and pictures on our website belong to our attorney partnership and may not be copied, distributed or used without our attorney partnership’s prior, written and open consent.


No hyperlinks to our website may be created without our attorney partnership’s prior, written and open consent. In any event, our attorney partnership has no liability over the content of any third-party websites that contain a link to our website, and does not directly or indirectly endorse any opinion or evaluation present on such websites.


Our E-Mail Correspondence

Our attorney partnership’s e-mail correspondence is always made by e-mail over the extension “”. If you have received an unsolicited e-mail under our attorney partnership’s title, you are invited to verify the e-mail and sender information, and in any event, get in touch with us to confirm tha the e-mail was actually sent by our partnership. Spoofing is a commom method of fraud for bad faith actors. If you think you might have received an e-mail that was spoofed, please directly get in touch with our attorney partnership.


Our correspondence (including any attachments) may contain confidential, proprietary, privileged and/or private information. Said information is intended to be for the use of the individual or entity designated in said e-mail only. If you are not the intended recipient of an e-mail message, please notify the sender immediately, and delete the message and any attachments. Any disclosure, reproduction, distribution or other use of this message or any attachments by an individual or entity other than the intended recipient is prohibited.


Employment Opportunities and Job Applications

Employment opportunities with our attorney partnership are always published (i) on the ‘Careers’ section of the website which you are on, and (ii) over social media profiles managed by our partnership. We do nost post employment opportunities on any channels besides those listed above, specifically through unauthorized third parties. In any event, applications with our attorney partnership are always free of charge. Please disregard any employment opportunity posted on any channel besides those listed above, or any request for money or benefits for job applications with our attorney partnership – and please do inform us of the same.


Mandatory Legal Disclaimer for English Law Services

Özgür Ünüvar Bakiler Attorney Partnership (registered under the name ‘Özgür Bakiler Avukatlık Ortaklığı’) is a legal entity incorporated in Turkey, registered with the Ankara Bar Association under the Registry No. 37 pursuant to the Attorneys’ Law No. 1136. Our partnership is separately registered with the Solicitors’ Register with the SRA ID No. 8001008, but it is not separately and individually regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. This restricts the application of several duties and obligations on our attorney partnership, and limits the scope of English law services our partnership may provide. Please reach out to us should you have any queries.

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