News From Özgür Ünüvar Bakiler


Our Of Counsel Güneş Ünüvar has recently been elected to the Steering Committee of the Academic Forum of UNCITRAL Working Group III on Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) Reform.

The purpose of the Forum, which was established in 2018, “is for academics active in the field of ISDS to exchange views, explore issues and options, test ideas and solutions, and hopefully make a constructive contribution to the ongoing discussions on possible reform of ISDS, in particular to discussions in the context of UNCITRAL’s Working Group III (WGIII).” WGIII convenes two to three times each year, in Vienna and New York.


News from Özgur Ünuvar Bakiler

Erman Özgür and Güneş Ünüvar contributed to the commentary on CETA Investment Law with separate chapters.


Barış has qualified as a Tradermark Attorney.


Our Counsel Dr. Güneş Ünüvar Has Recently Published Two Articles

Our Counsel Dr. Güneş Ünüvar has recently authored two articles on (i) the use of expert evidence in investment arbitration and (ii) and the impact of the Court of Justice of the European Union’s (CJEU) Opinion 1/17 on the “right to an independent tribunal”.


Announcement and introduction of our firm's new named partner: Yunus Emre Bakiler

Özgür & Ünüvar is delighted to announce that Yunus Emre Bakiler has joined our firm as Partner.


Due Process in the Fair and Equitable Treatment Standard Erman Özgür Contributed to Jus Mundi’s Wiki Notes

Partner Erman Özgür contributed to Jus Mundi’s Wiki Notes with his note on Due Process and the Fair and Equitable Treatment Standard.


Güneş Ünüvar Appeared on TV 2 Denmark and Discussed the Potential Consequences of the First Treaty-Based Claim against Denmark

Denmark is facing the first known treaty-based claim under the Denmark-Lithuania BIT. Partner Güneş Ünüvar briefly appeared on TV 2 Denmark last week to discuss its potential legal and political consequences.


Güneş Ünüvar and Erman Özgür spoke on the Standing of State-Controlled Enterprises under International Investment Agreements as Claimants

Partners Güneş Ünüvar and Erman Özgür spoke at the Colloquium organized at the University Paris II Panthéon-Assas, on the standing of state-controlled enterprises under international investment agreements as claimants.


Güneş Ünüvar Co-authored on the reach of Martha Fineman's Theory of Vulnerability in Reforming the Regime of International Investment Law at the European Journal of International Law's EJIL: Talk!

Güneş Ünüvar wrote a blogpost on the European Journal of International Law’s EJIL: Talk! About Martha Fineman’s vulnerability theory and how it can help change investment law.

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