FDI Update reports on recent legislation, international arbitration cases and enforcement decisions. It also brings news and insights from Turkey, the Middle East, Africa and CIS to guide investors that target foreing markets for expansion.

RERAs in the Turkish Renewable Energy Industry: An Introduction to Regulatory Requirements
Turkey has started to implement a new energy investment model called RERA in 2016, aiming to promote renewable energy investments and use of local manufacturing and technology. Together with other support and incentive mechanisms as well as higher feed-in tariffs in place, RERA model may attract interest of both domestic and foreign investors. Turkey announced a first set of public projects under the RERA model on 3 July 2020. Under this new structure, investors will be able to build and operate solar electricity generation plants with grid connection capacities that are equal to or smaller than 10 megawatts (mWs). In this article, we provide an introductory overview on how Mini RERA tenders will be performed and what investors should expect.